The Path Royale
“The Royal Science of Self-realization”
The precious key to unlocking one’s fullest potential leading to the fulfillment of one’s noblest desires and goals in life is now in your hands. This precious key is the Vajrayana Order.
The precious key to unlocking one’s fullest potential leading to the fulfillment of one’s noblest desires and goals in life is now in your hands. This precious key is the Vajrayana Order.
The precious key to unlocking one’s fullest potential leading to the fulfillment of one’s noblest desires and goals in life is now in your hands. This precious key is the Vajrayana Order. All lessons are available online and for FREE.
A Door to Ancient Teachings
The Vajrayana Order opens the door to the ancient teachings, scientific and well tested, to equip one with the tools he or she will need to find lasting happiness and peace of mind.
It makes use of the ancient mystical truth that there are energy centers or what they call chakras in the East, inside a human being’s body, that when activated gives the person a whole new outlook and an even broader perspective of life; some calls this higher consciousness. This kind of consciousness enables one to attract the good things in life— material wealth, healthy relationships, optimum health, or a dream career or business.
This kind of consciousness enables one to attract the good things in life— material wealth, healthy relationships, optimum health, or a dream career or business. This consciousness makes one intuitive and open-minded, making the right decisions at the right time; it awakens the creative powers of the mind that a person becomes more creative in the arts and music, sciences, writing and other endeavors; it makes one pierce the reality of Existence that a person becomes still and at peace with himself and his environment; and finally, it opens the heart and soul that a person becomes more compassionate and loving towards others.
How does it do this?
It makes use of the ancient mystical truth that there are energy centers or what they call chakras in the East, inside the human body, that when activated gives the person a whole new outlook and an even broader perspective of life; this is referred to as higher consciousness. This kind of consciousness enables one to attract the good things in life— material wealth, healthy relationships, optimum health, or a dream career or business.
In addition, it makes one intuitive and open-minded, making the right decisions at the right time;
It awakens the creative powers of the mind that a person becomes more creative in the arts and music, sciences, writing and other endeavors; it makes one pierce the reality of Existence that a person becomes still and at peace with himself and his environment; and finally, it opens the heart and soul making one become more compassionate and a harbinger of light to humanity.
What the Vajrayana Order offers are FREE techniques, exercises and teachings that would lead one to this profound and most coveted experience—a life of happiness, peace and success, and Enlightenment.

Eternal Vehicle of Wisdom
The Vajrayana Order or dorje in Tibetan, comes from ‘vajra’ a Sanskrit word which can mean ‘diamond’ ‘indestructible’ or ‘eternal’ and from ‘yana’ which means ‘vehicle.’ Thus, the Vajrayana Order is an eternal vehicle of wisdom for people sincerely seeking to uplift their lives materially, morally and spiritually. The Vajrayana Order is an accelerated path to evolution; it is prevalent in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, China, northern India, and in the Himalayan Regions and consists of the hidden teachings of Himalayan Masters which focuses on the awakening of chakras and energy gates of the body.

In summary, the Vajrayana Order offers and reveals in its FREE online lessons the rare and hidden gems or teachings of Himalayan Masters that one could use to achieve:
Material abundance & self-esteem, harmonious relationships, success, peace profound,
optimum health and the most highly coveted, Enlightenment.

You are what your deep,
driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.
― Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5